Create Great Scrap Pages By Combining Stamped Images With Other Embellishments.

I'm really beginning to love making scrap pages. I've had the pleasure of my daughter, her husband and baby visiting us for 3 weeks over Christmas, resulting in lots of photos being taken. We took the opportunity to have a couple of scrapping days with some other friends and found the creative interaction quite stimulating. Of course Stampin' Up! products were used and we had the opportunity to try out lots of embellishments from my stash.

I've got a couple of photos for you to see. The first is a scrap page I made of Tyler playing after a bath. This isn't a recent photo - he is now 10 months old, but I've been meaning to scrap these photos for some time.

The stamped images are from one of my favourite Stampin Up sets - Priceless. I'm also getting used to using the very wonderful and convenient Simply Scrappin' Kits and found the "Crew Kids Boy" set coordinated very well with my choice of background colours. The self adhesive shapes from these kits make scrapping quick and easy, and the coordinating papers are great to adhere to chipboard shapes.

These next 2 pages were created by my daughter who is a Stampin Up demonstrator in Townsville, and the proud mum of this gorgeous little boy.

She too has used a variety of embellishments ranging from stamped images to chipboard shapes, felt flowers and rhinestone brads.

If you live in Far North Queensland and would like to have a workshop you can contact her through this web site.

We had particular fun today with 3 generations from my family scrapping, including my 80 year old mum. She keeps saying that she doesn't know where her girls got their creativity from - but she did a great a job with her page and found the Simply Scrappin' Kits really easy to use and quite helpful with coordinating colours.

If you would like to attend or host a workshop that concentrates on the Simply Scrappin Kits, you can Contact me for further information.

You are also most welcome to attend my Scrap Page classes throughout the year on either a regular or casual basis.

Cost is $5.00 per class.

Date is 1st Tuesday of every month - February through November.

Venue - my place (contact me for details). If you can't attend because of distance issues, you can request the class notes, scrap map and instructions be sent to you.

Class attendees will have the use of all my stamp sets and inks, but will need to supply their own card stock, embellishments etc. Of course you will be able to order and purchase Stampin Up products through me at the classes. (5% discount applies to all orders placed at classes)

Each class will concentrate on a technique, and will provide you with a scrap map to guide you to create an individual page.

You can use these classes to learn about products and techniques, and also to catch up on some of those photos that have been waiting patiently to be scrapped!

View more examples of scrap pages in the gallery

Learn how to save 20% on all your stamping and scrapping supplies.

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